Ukuran files 11mb.
Isi Files Software Resetter Printer Canon, Printer Epson
- General Tools for canon pixma 1880-1890
- Service Tools 1050
- General Tools canon IP 1600
- General tools canon IP 1700 dan IP 1300
- Service Tools V1074
- Service tools Epson T10,T11,T30,T33,T50,T60
- Resetter ME320 TX121
- Resetter ME32
- Resetter T1100,T1110
- Canon MP Tools
- Canon IP tools
- Resetter canon 2270
- Hp Laserjet service manual
- Printer Epson service manual
Tutorial service manual MP198, MP258, MP276, MP496, MP558, MP568, and MP648 printer.
I. set printer pada posisi service mode
- Turn off the printer off is the printer power on
- Remove the printer USB cable from your computer
- While the printer is OFF
- Press and hold the Start/Stop button on the some other canon printers model press Resume/Cancel button.
- While still holding Start/Stop button or Resume/Cancel button
- Press and hold the POWER button.
- When the POWER LED (green light) lit
- Release the Start/Stop or resume/cancel button (still holding the POWER button)
- Still holding the power button
- Press the Start/Stop button or resume/cancel button TWICE ( 2x ) then Release the POWER button.
- Wait until LCD printer to display 0 (zero) number
- After the display is 0, attach the printer UDB cable to your computer, its will detected new device installed (its normal),
II. now go to resetting steps
- Confirm detected USB-port numbers on USB port column.
- Click “Main button” on Clear ink counter section
- Make sure there are papers in the paper feed because the printer will print after the process is complete.
- Click “platen button” on the “Clear ink counter” section. The printer will print again.
- Turn off the printer and then turn the printer on. You printer is ready for use.
Canon 1880, 1890
Although software resetter Canon Pixma iP1980 or resetter canon Pixma iP1900 series not available on the internet now. Doesn’t mean there is no way to reset the printer series. My opinion canon Pixma iP 1980 is new version of Canon Pixma iP 1880 so the reset methode for canon iP 1880 can be applied to Reset Canon iP1980. I also tested using reset methode for Canon iP1700 on it’s work on several Printer Canon iP1900 series.
For permanent reset after doing the manual reset you must using software resetter. Software resetter such as iPtool and general tool for canon iP 1800 can be used to reset waste ink counter on the Canon iP1980 and Canon iP1900 series. To reset Waste Ink Tank canon iP1980 or iP1900 series follow this steps:
1. Press Resume button hold for 1 – 2 minutes
2. Open the cover
3. Release the catridge and then put catridge again
4. Close The Cover
5. Turn Off
6. then Turn On again
CANON PIXMA IP1900 is just a successor of ip1880 PARTS & MANUALS ARE THE SAME but a little bit faster than 1880
3. click lock release
4. click ip1800
5. click device id
6. clear waste ink counter by clicking MAIN & PLATEN
7. Check EEPROM Box
8. Click EEPROM Dump
9. Test pattern 1
10. Your Done…
but this is not the end of your problem
EVERYTIME YOU CLEAR WASTE INK COUNTER you have to open your printer
and wash the INK PAD and let it dry it will damage any part of your computer if you
will not do this.
Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010
- Selasa, Oktober 19, 2010
- Cybermales
- Resetter Printer
1 comment
You're not wrong. I sometimes think that it's worth just
BalasHapusgetting a new printer every year!
Printer ink